Thursday, July 1, 2010

Truely living..

Everybody dies but only some people truly live.. What is truly living for you?

Hmmmm. Thats a tough question – and one that is understandably inspired by one living in India at the moment!
It is instantly interesting in considering this question to notice what the answer is for other people. Not just in the neighbourly sense but internationally – culturally (hence the Indian influence). It is possibly one of the most fundamental of human queries – what makes a life 'worth' living – what is truly living? I reckon that your culture certainly has an influence – like if you are a poor African you perhaps consider 'truly' living simply surviving – or if you are in a war zone, or a woman in a fundamental Muslim culture or a gay man in religious family etc etc. Your day to day circumstances certainly influence what you value – like the personal evolutionary version of the dawn of agriculture allowing culture and the arts, philosophy et al to flourish.
I am quick to assume that dissection of the intricacies of being alive are a wealthy privileged indulgence – although a quick thought back to seeing babbas on the shores on the Ganga Ma (Ganges River) in Varansai remind me that its not at all about wealth but a state of mind.
But I ramble.
What is truly living?
I highly highly value freedom. But what/how do I define freedom? I suppose its about being free to do with my life as I choose on a day to day, week to week basis. I react strongly to the fear of being confined – by work, by politics, by fear...
My path for myself – which I am not necessarily successful at – is to follow passion and inspiration regardless of challenge.
If I am faced with choices in the forks in life's path my default is to 'follow the butterflies”
If I am confused (which I find pretty well a given!) I believe in considering the options and trying to take the path that gives me butterflies of excitement in my tummy..
This can be a challenge as the butterflies rarely hang about with the easiest or most sensible option – but we know for sure only of this life and I am keen to try and not waste it in idleness, laziness or fear of the unknown.
Sooo.... ramble ramble.
A life truly lived for me (in today's opinion anyway!) is a life lived with butterflies. :)
Ps. Oh! And I think to plant a lovely heritage of trees in your wake is very cool too.


  1. Beautiful writIng Em and an inspiring philosophy.

  2. Need some time to digest this...:)

  3. Country Squire! Don't eat the butterflies!
    I really enjoyed reading this Em. I think I'm one of those that don't work so well with freedom, but wish sometimes that I was, hence my post.
    I was thinking about forks in the road as well. I thought I read somewhere that there was a Buddhist belief that when you should always take the hardest path when you reach a fork. Pfft. Codswhallop, I say ride a Giant Butterfly over the whole damn country :)

  4. :) Yay! A big beautiful blue one - a Ulysses!

  5. so perfectly and poetically put :) I'm inspired to follow my own butterflies. Thank you x
