Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sunday was here today

This is my first entry to inspirazzit...oh I means zee.
However given the trends appearant here this slip may be valid yet.
Where did the teen diary craze virus originate...London?
that'd be right.
No wonder you're all locked in doors and can't find a piccalo late anywhere.
Everyone is too freakin out on hormones.

I wouldn't know myself because I've been in meditation retreat.
Feeling wonderfully a result of some very powerful new methods I'm experimenting with. I'm teaching myself how to upload my mind to computer (by reading the manual). Not sure the reality I've encountered is quite the text book case though.

Sunday was here today, with red hair made of a few hours afternoon sun. She was well washed and full of ground water, our most waterlogged initiation to June...for, oh well, years or something.

While there was a little gap in the rain I purged my cave of rubbish and washed some camels.
It got raining again though so I've now brought them inside to dry. These blue haired camels that have replaced cars lately are great in many respects. They make sophisticated conversation.
Many things I have to admit cannot be distingushed by me as real or not real according to your relative sense of real at this stage.
There are a number of spirit beings that inhabit the same crossing over field as I do now.
In a way it is a bit like a party atmosphere around here.
While I do mention this, it does not extinguish the possibility that I am in a solitary retreat from your viewpoint.

I have been receiving jewels of coloured light beans into my mind and can exchange them for treats. They come to me as feelings and when I offer them to the elves at the market it makes them laugh a lot. The elf markets are full to brim with craziest bargains. Elves are tricky too, the other day I almost got talked into buying a rainbow knitted flute. Usually though I save my beans for travel. A few friendly elves are even teaching me how to travel according to my own will. They come to pick me up now and again, like every 83 or 96.652386 hours.

In between these trips I occupy myself with endless tasks.

These inbetween hours seem as many and long to me as do the lists of tasks.
I will not bore you with all the details, but will reassure you that the results are very worthwhile.
A thing in itself may seem too small to merit mention, but then over the years each effort adds together as it glows and floats and then gradually attains it's own interconnected schematic dimensionality.

This is living. As it goes, sometimes mellow and sometimes too fast. I love when it runs barebummed cheeky blue against the wind.

Perhaps next time I'll account for my sojourn with a bluebummed elf. Don't you hope so?


  1. Bluebummed elf.... oh I do hope so :)

  2. Here in the north is feels as if Sunday only comes around a couple of months a year. Matter of fact, she's just arrived with her warmth. But in a couple of months I'll need to again begin the search for her wintery sister. I'm sure she's out there somewhere, offering a lovely wintery version of a long, lazy, hot, Sunday afternoon...
