Saturday, May 1, 2010

Soo... How's the weather?

Basking in the warmth under Sophie and Eyal's UV protected veranda I lay on their couch listening to one end of Sophie and Bernie's conversation. Sophie mentions something about the 1st of may and i remember about this blog and how I haven't even thought about it since i was invited to join. I had planned on writing some awesome story about something well cool. But meh. This is all i've got. A bit of fluff off the top of my head and only a tinsy bit at that as we have a lunch date at the food club. Mumma is cooking Kangaroo pie. Should be interesting. My writing is slowed down because Shiloh the ergo baby stirs every couple of minutes and i have to walk around to try and settle her. She opens her little eyes and smiles when Sophie calls her cute. She is definitely the loveliest little person around. And that is all.


  1. Delete "UV protected veranda" and "blog", and this could be a throwback to Bulga 1910. Thanks Calypso:-)

  2. I'm not sure they had Ergos or blogs in 1910 Roo..
    btw.. steer clear of Jane for a while, I heard a rumor about a pie.

    Nice one Clipper, sure makes me want to be sitting on that veranda.
