Thursday, April 1, 2010

It Begins...

The first topic is "Weather". The first posting date is 1st of May 2010.
Please remember to set your post to automatically post on the 1st of May, even if you have it ready early. So as not to pee in the creative pool, even though your pee might be very tasty.

To do this, click on "Post Options" at the bottom of your New Post window and set your post Date to;
eg 5/1/10 12:00 am (it's in stupid American format)

It's also a good idea to add a Label for this post (just beside Post Options), at this stage I guess we just put the topic in there, eg Weather


  1. Awesome work Kenjina (and crew). I'm pretty blog-retarded and had a look at adding a new post. It looks like you can only put text, or am I missing something? If not, I can't wait to write an essay......?????????

  2. Hey Schmoggle, there are some little icons at the top of the post window that allow you to insert images or videos.
    I'll send you an email with a screenshot
